My name is Nancy. I am Catholic and I love to read.
I am a Book Reviewer of the The Catholic Post, official newspaper of the Diocese of Peoria. I review books for The Catholic Post as part of the “Book Review Team”, which goes to tens of thousands of households. My reviews and other appear here as well.
Reading Catholic is also my place to share about:
running (including race stories)
travel (including travel with kids)
music (especially Christian music, of which I am an unashamed lover)
pro-life issues and reflections
kidlit (aka children’s literature)
I’ve been blogging since 2006 on various platforms.
I also love to do author Q&As when time and schedules permit.
I receive many, many free review copies of books from Catholic and other publishers that help me write these book reviews, though I purchase some myself (I’m a book person, no doubt about it).
I also provide links to Lagron-Miller and C&A Inspirations, two excellent Catholic booksellers and The Catholic Post advertisers in the Peoria Diocese, on the sidebar of each page. I encourage you to shop locally and get inspiration for books and other gifts from visiting these unique stores. Occasionally, I provide Amazon links to books that would not likely be available at a local bookseller. Those are affiliate links, which means I get a small amount if you order through one of the links; your price does not change, of course, but it helps me fund my book habit.
I’m grateful for friends and colleagues who have helped me along the way to shape and organize the website. This is an ongoing work (especially in my transition from a blogspot to managing a website). So I welcome suggestions and ideas for future books, features, and organization, and appreciate your patience as this site takes shape.
This blog is dedicated to and under the patronage of St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of journalists, and Venerable Fulton Sheen, a Peoria diocese native son and currently under consideration for beatification.
If you would like to reach me with a question or comment, I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. You could also leave a comment on this page with your email address. I moderate the comments, so I won’t “publish” any of these comments, but I’ll be sure to get in touch with you.
Thank you for reading.