First of all, Happy Feast of the Assumption! What a great mid-summer feast. I have very specific childhood memories of being on vacation with our family at Wildwood, NJ, and the priest blessing the ocean waves on this day. I always want to be at the beach on this day, but it rarely happens. Maybe next year?
This spring, as I was preparing to take on this role of book page editor and blogger for the Catholic Post, I had a number of discussions with my editor Tom Dermody, about future books to feature.
Almost always, I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch every single day, and I don’t mind a bit. This one I learned from my Dad, who didn’t mind it, either.
This one, also from my Dad: there is no such thing as too much fiber.
Coffee can make you feel better. This one was from my Mom, and I only learned this later in life and not in time to thank her.
Dark chocolate makes you smarter (even on days that don’t start with an S).
I wish I had some good food rules for children, but for now I just keep putting out whatever good stuff I can and hope some of it sticks at some point, either literally or figuratively.
What are your top food rules?