I so enjoyed meeting Maria earlier this year when I spoke about books to the local Legatus group, and I am so grateful that she was willing to be featured as a “reader” in The Catholic Post this month.

How we know you:
I am a parishioner of St Vincent de Paul in Peoria. My husband Jeff and I have two daughters – Serena, currently a junior at Peoria Notre Dame, and Alyssa, a 7th grader at St Vincent de Paul School. I am Marketing Director of Welch Systems, Inc., our family business, which just celebrated its 40th year. I’ve also been actively involved with the SVdP Women’s Guild and school.
Why I love reading: Reading is relaxation for me. I love to become completely absorbed in a book and am always searching for the next good read.
What I’m reading now: I’m currently reading Khaled Hosseini’s latest novel, And the Mountains Echoed. I also try to start each day with In Conversation with God, which discusses the daily mass readings and gives great insight into how I can relate them to my everyday life.
My favorite book: I don’t have an all time favorite. I love so many different types of books and authors but none have the distinction of being the standout. I will say My Sisters the Saints by Colleen Carroll Campbell was a truly enjoyable memoir.