At the end of last year, I shared a self-survey of my favorite review books from 2012, and a look ahead to how I hoped to accomplish more in the new year, reading-wise.
I’ve noticed various people have posts and link-ups for topics along these lines, and I hope to link up with those after the fact, but first I’m going to share. In a separate post (because this was getting way too long), I also plan to review my 2013 resolutions and see how I did, and share some 2014 resolutions for Reading Catholic.
So, without further ado, here is my 2013 Book Survey. I’d love to hear your favorite books of 2013, and what you hope to accomplish, reading-wise, in 2014. Happy reading!
What was the most important/best book that you read this year?
Easily, that would be Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus by Sherry Weddell. I need to re-read this book every year, and share it with more people than I’ve already shared it with.
What books were most spiritually fruitful for you this year?
Again I want to say Forming Intentional Disciples, but as I look over my 2013 reviewed books here I see that A Season of Mystery: 10 Spiritual Practices for Embracing a Happier Second Half of Life by Patricia Huston affected me powerfully. While I reviewed it in May, I read it during Lent and found it so nourishing.
I also found The Miracle of Father Kapaun to be a powerful, powerful read, and I have been asking his intercession for a private intention; I invite you to join me. I also remember as I write this that I resolved to give this book to a neighbor who is also a Korean War veteran, and I have not done that yet. Oy vey.
What were your most enjoyable books to review and/or read this year?
I’m going to limit myself with books I reviewed for The Catholic Post for this question, because it would be too hard otherwise.
I laughed a lot reading Dad Is Fat by Jim Gaffigan, but I found The Ear of the Heart (and contrasting it to Lean In) to be a great read, and fun to write about, especially contrasting it to Lean In.
I also not only enjoyed reading and reviewing Robin Davis’ Recipe for Joy, I truly loved getting to meet Robin in person in November. One of my sisters and I talked her ear off on a long cold walk when our family went to Ohio in November, and we had a great coffee to warm up afterwards. Here’s a photo of that visit.
What was the favorite book you read (or re-read) this year?
I’m including all books I read this year.
I read Emma with a book group this year and loved it (again). Now I’m re-reading Persuasion and loving that. I’ve decided in the last few years that I pretty much have to pick up a new Jane Austen when I finish re-reading one. Always have a Jane Austen going, that’s one of my life mottos.
Reading The Royal Ranger, the last (sniff!) of the Ranger’s Apprentice series by John Flanagan, at roughly the same time as my three children was bittersweet and wonderful. Why can’t you write more, Mr. Flanagan, oh why?
How did you do with your resolutions for 2013, and what are your resolutions for 2014?
That’s coming tomorrow in a separate post.
What were your favorite books of 2013?
(Update: I linked up this post to Modern Mrs. Darcy’s “Your Favorite Books of 2013” link-up.)
Oh, I included a few books in my favorites of 2013 list I bet you’d like judging by this list, like “My Sisters, the Saints” and “Not Less than Everything.” Here’s my list:
Always enjoy reading about your reading, Nancy. Forming Intentional Disciples and The Ear of the Heart stand out to me the most, but they all look good!
I also forgot about Monsigor Soseman’s, “Reflections from Rome” that was very enjoyable.
“Always have a Jane Austen going, that’s one of my life mottos.”
Oh, yes! That’s a good rule to live by. 🙂
I’ve not read Ear of the Heart, but it sounds so interesting. Thanks for the recommendation, and for sharing your favorites!