Lent begins a week from today, and I wanted to share five things.
1. I’m giving up my Fitbit for Lent.
Ack. Part of the reason I’m doing this is that I love it too much, and I’m afraid I won’t actually do it unless I announce in public that I’m giving it up.
I first joined the Fitbit world when my husband got one at a work gathering about two years ago. I said, “Let me get that set up for you” and never gave it back. I did buy him another one after about six months of using it, but within a week I had lost mine, so I took that one. He since decided to get a Fitbit Zip, but I think he should really upgrade to a Fitbit One since it tells the number of floors you climb.
It seems to me that you either get Fitbit or you’re not interested, and there’s no in-between.
Case in point: I have four sisters, and a sister-in-law, and we were all in Belgium and France last fall visiting one sister who lives in Europe, and doing the Paris-Versailles Grand Classique. One sister and I were obsessed with our Fitbit numbers each day (the day of the Grand Classique I had almost 40,000 steps. 40,000! We liked to say to each other, “It’s like it doesn’t count unless your Fitbit shows the numbers.” The other four just laughed at us for being so obsessive.
Anyway, if you are among the Fitbit faithful or have a similar device, you’ll know how hard this will be for me. I also realized after I made the decision that I’m signed up to do not one but two half-marathons during Lent. Sob.
2. Silence.
The younger kids and I were reading in our history earlier this week about monks in the Middle Ages having meals (and much of the rest of their lives) in silence. Of course we knew this already, but hearing about it in that unusual context made it stand out. So we’ve been batting around the idea of trying for some silence during our busy days.
We decided we would start with lunch in silence on Fridays. We can always add on extra days, but it seemed prudent to start small.
3. Lent Book Series.
I’m trying a first-ever series at Reading Catholic. I, and a fairly large group of guest authors, will be writing about books all Lent long. I invited the bloggers listed on Local, Catholic and Online, as well as other local-ish people, to write about a book related to Lent in some ways. I hope you’ll follow along and share your favorite Lenten reads.
This year it’s a bit of an experiment, but with the positive response I am thinking of making it an annual series.
4. Pondering . . .
“He became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.”
The Holy Father’s theme for Lent 2014. Did you know each year the Holy Father has a message for Lent, and picks a Scripture verse for meditation?
Here is a link to Pope Francis’ Message for Lent 2014. I have skimmed it, but I will also print out and read during Lent. I want to be rich; how about you?
5. Rich Mullins
I’ve loved Rich Mullins before he was cool, after he was cool, and after he was dead. He died in a car accident, actually pretty near where we live in Illinois, and I recall it vividly because I was very pregnant with my oldest child. So when a friend shared on Facebook that she enjoyed this tribute special to him, I bookmarked it. I’m sad I haven’t made time to listen to it yet. His music and his writings (many of his columns and writings for various Christian magazines are still available on the Internet) are remarkable. In many ways, he was a modern-day St. Francis.
How is your preparation for Lent going? Are you ready for it to start?
Linking up with both Jen’s 7 Posts, 7 Days and Hallie’s Five Favorites.
Nancy, I l-o-v-e the graphic for your Lent Book Series! So excited!
Thank you so much, Katie! I don’t know if I’m allowed to say this (wink), but I had the general idea and asked my 13-year-old daughter to take the photo and design it, and she did a great job. Glad you will be a part of the series. 🙂
I love Rich Mullins too. He was on his way to becoming Catholic!